Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Starting School and Cousin Sam

Ugh - Charlie is starting at his "real" school this year. He is in Pre-K at Monte Cassino and he loves it. I do too, but the uniforms make him look so grown up. I had a hard time this year I think because it seems so much more serious. Kindergarten should be a breeze compared to this! And he only goes 3 days a week!

Here are the cousins. They LOVE Cousin Sam - it's hysterical. Sam lost 2 teeth the first day of school too. How cute is that? Now Charlie constantly tells me he has a loose tooth...

Brooks first day at school too - MDO at Asbury which he did last year too. Last year he cried from the minute we loaded into the car, getting progressively louder as he saw the steeple. This year so far he's fine until we actually get out of the car. Then his lip goes out - sad and hopefully gets better by the end of the first week!
These are the boys' Matchbox cars. Everytime my dad comes to town he brings some for the boys - they love it and always look forward to it. A cheap gift that makes them so happy! We'll see how long that lasts! It also is a good solution to a trip to the grocery store - that will keep them happy for the whole trip so the $2 investment is well worth it.

Lake Trip with the Tooles

We are so fortunate Charlie picked a best friend with fun parents - weird to get along with a whole family so easily. We spent the weekend at Grand Lake with the Tooles. So fun!!!!
Will and Brooks are the same age and BFFs. So funny - Brooks lines his cars up perfectly and then Will picks one up and throws it away from him and then goes about his business and Brooks flips out. Hysterical to watch - it's like the little game they play together.
The best part was all the boys at the back of the boat while the mommies were up front alone - the tube was also lots of fun!

So cute!!

Brooks loves baby Trevor. Trevor was a champ never fussing and just enjoying being with the family! Most of the time he was easier than the other boys!
BFFs. How long is it that we parents get to tell our kids who we want them to be friends with!?

Topeka Summer Fun

Our other trip was a week in Kansas visiting Mimaw and Papa J (G to Brooks, but at least he's close). We keep busy there for sure. I thought old people were supposed to be lazy, but I think my parents are 10 times more active than we are. Pretty funny!
We always go to Westboro park where I grew up to play. Then we went to Discovery Center which was great. Even Mimaw J had fun - I think she was the only adult willing to wear the goggles - Safety first, MJ.

We ALWAYS get ice cream after dinner in Topeka - no matter what. Dad says its for the boys, but somehow I don't believe him. MJ and Jer are great at setting up special traditions - did it for us and are doing it for all the boys. Donuts from HyVee on the back of the car, ice cream after dinner and running on carpet rolls and tunnels. How blessed we are to have 4 fun grandparents for the boys! (Goofy, but fun)

Lake Times!

Long time no blog - big surprise. The boys had a busy summer, but I don't know what we did! They loved the lake so we were there as much as we can, but a 3+ hour drive makes it a little tougher than it seems. But once we get there they are in little boy (and big boy) heaven! Here are some of my favorite pics of them! Uncle Chad taught Charlie how to drive the boat all by himself - Chad enjoyed a beverage and pointed the direction to go and Charlie handled it like a pro - so funny how serious he took it. Great to finally have a DD! (JOKE!) Brooks did great with Papa Mike - and was also very serious about his duties. In all honesty I'd rather them drive than Jeremy....

Sweet Charlie!
Brooks and Daddy!
They both loved fishing and actually touching the fish - I tried to act brave but man fish are just gross - no way around it and I'll never understand the fun in catching them let alone touching not only a slimy fish but a slimy worm too. Guy thing, right?

This is where we keep all the fish - Brooks liked to stick his hands in and catch them in the net.
mimaw Sue is wrapped around their fingers - they love her reading books - mainly because somehow they con her into 6 or 7 at a time. Good practice for her too, right?!
My special husband.
Charlie went tubing for the first time too (mommy too for the first time in probably 20 yrs since Kamp Kanakomo). Look how cute he has his arm around Uncle Jason while they were floating. He love Jason - according to Charlie Jason (sarah's husband) is a mechanic and a race car driver who has the fastest 4 wheeler ever. He also thinks Jeremy literally makes every donut at the QT stores - once we walked in and they were out and Charlie told me "Daddy better get back to work and get some donuts out here". Hee hee - kids are cute!